Friday, February 5, 2010

Morning Praise

It’s early in the morning and the alarm clock is buzzing, but it’s you who opened my ears to hear.

As I wipe away the sleep from my weary eyes, I’m grateful that you gave me sight to see the morning sunshine.

Opening my mouth to yawn, I have to thank you for giving me a voice to call on your name.

As I stretch my arms out, I also stretch out to you in praise for another day.

Standing on my feet, I acknowledge that it is by your power that my legs are able to support me.

Even though my walk is slow due to morning stiffness, I still rejoice because I can move.

The pain I feel in my body everyday sometimes seems unbearable, but because of your grace I'm able to endure.

Though my aging mind is not as sharp as it used to be – memories fading, misplaced items and forgetfulness, I still have the mind to know where my help comes from.

Your grace and mercy is what gets me through each day. Though I don’t deserve your favor, I thank you Lord that you keep blessing me in spite of my imperfections. Until tomorrow…

May your joy abound.